Ramadan 2024

Evening of Sunday, 10 Mar 2024 – Tuesday, 9 Apr 2024

Embracing Unity and Spirituality: The Essence of Ramadan

As we welcome the holy month of Ramadan, a time of reflection, community, and faith, it is essential to recognize the support and unity that organizations like Unison provide to their members during this significant period. Unison, a beacon for workers' rights and inclusivity, has continually shown its commitment to backing its members, ensuring that those observing Ramadan, particularly from black and minority ethnic backgrounds, feel supported and valued. 

Unison's Role in Supporting Ramadan Observance

Unison understands the importance of Ramadan for Muslim members and the need for an inclusive environment that respects religious observances. The union has taken proactive steps to ensure that all members feel supported during this month. Initiatives such as arranging flexible working hours allow those observing Ramadan to maintain their fasting and prayer schedules without compromising their work responsibilities. Moreover, Unison has been instrumental in organizing iftar gatherings, providing a space for members to come together, break their fast, and foster a sense of community and mutual support. 

Advocacy and Awareness 

Beyond logistical support, Unison has played a crucial role in raising awareness and understanding of Ramadan among all its members. Through educational programs and workshops, the union promotes a culture of inclusivity and respect, ensuring that everyone understands the significance of this month and how they can support their Muslim colleagues. 

Empowering Black Members During Ramadan 

Unison's commitment to diversity and inclusion shines brightly during Ramadan, with a particular focus on empowering black members. The union's efforts to highlight and address the unique challenges faced by black Muslims during Ramadan and throughout the year are commendable. By providing platforms for voices from diverse backgrounds, Unison ensures that the spirit of Ramadan is shared with all, fostering a workplace environment where everyone feels respected and valued.


Unison's dedication to supporting its member’s during Ramadan is a testament to the union's overarching commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and solidarity. As we observe this holy month, let us draw inspiration from Unison's efforts to bring us closer together, celebrating our differences and strengthening our bonds within our communities and workplaces.

From Our Own: Insights and Reflections by a Black Member and Steward

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is a very special and blessed month for Muslims around the world. It is one of the five pillars of Islam, which are:

  1. Shahada: Declaration of faith in one God (Allah) and His messenger (peace be upon him).
  2. Salah (prayer): The ritual prayer five times a day required of every Muslim throughout their lifetime.
  3. Zakat (almsgiving): The act of giving a portion of a Muslim's wealth to those in need.
  4. Sawm (Fasting): The act of fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.
  5. Hajj (pilgrimage): The sacred pilgrimage to Mecca required of every Muslim at least once in their lifetime, if it is within their means.

During Ramadan, Muslims fast from pre-dawn (suhoor) to sunset (iftar), abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations. This fast helps Muslims understand a little of the pain and suffering poor and starving people endure worldwide, fostering empathy for those individuals. You will find that during Ramadan, Muslims give an increased amount of voluntary charity (sadaqah) and obligatory charity (zakat), donating a significant amount of money and food to the poor and needy with the aim of eliminating hunger and poverty.

Ramadan also instills self-discipline, empathy, forgiveness, and an increase in spirituality. An important optional practice is gathering at mosques (or homes) for additional communal prayer after the obligatory night prayer each night of the month; this prayer is called Tarawih.

Eid ul-Fitr signals the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Eid ul-Fitr translates to 'festival of breaking the fast.' The celebration involves attending an early morning Eid prayer at the mosque and spending the day with family, feasting on food that Allah has provided, and giving gifts to children.

Ramadan also teaches us to be better, more caring, and compassionate people for the rest of the year.

It is important to know that if there is a health emergency, Muslims can break the fast. Fasting is meant to be a spiritual challenge but not a threat to one's health. Adults who are ill, traveling, menstruating, experiencing postnatal bleeding, or excused from fasting due to a medical condition wherein fasting would cause medical harm, are excused from fasting. They can either make up the fast later in the year or feed the needy as a charitable expiation.

Araf Saddiq QAM, Paramedic